Artists / The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

On the 18th of December 1917 the Ukrainian Academy of Arts was founded. The founding of the Academy, one of the highest level art education centers in Europe, and its further development in the history of Ukrainian culture was a remarkable event in the life of Ukrainian Art and is regarded as continuing glamorous Ukrainian traditions in Art and the realization of nation’s cultural needs and desires.
In 1922 the Academy was reorganized and renamed the Institution of Plastic Arts. In 1924 it was renamed Kyiv Fine Arts Institute, 1934 - Ukrainian Art Institute, 1998 - Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, 2000 - The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture.(Naomi)..

Polishchuk Ivan
Kiev, Ukraine
Syarov Vladimir
Yalta, Russia
Maslyk Anton
Kiev, Ukraine
Shvab Vladimir
Simferopol, Russia
Melnikova Anastasia
Kiev, Ukraine
Grigoryeva-Klimova Olga
Simferopol, Russia
Ozjumenko Peter
Kiev, Ukraine
Shapovalov Sergey
Lvov, Ukraine
Semenenko Alina
Yalta, Russia
Tremmery Lydia
Kiev, Ukraine
Zyuzkova Natalia
Yalta, Russia